Seasons in Congo are defined as either the rainy season or the dry season. In fact, there are four seasons, but two rainy seasons and two dry seasons. I was told on Saturday, April 23, by a Congolese that the current rainy season will end in 20 days. I'm going to have to get the dates and program then into my calendar.
The significance of the end of the rainy season means that our frequent rains will stop. And they say the demand for water will skyrocket. Therefore, our automated water dispensing system by Lorentz SmartTaps will be put to the test.
It rained Saturday night. It drizzled Sunday morning. It rained Monday evening. Then it drizzled this morning and just rained this evening. For example, a steady crowd on Monday but no one at the taps today. I suspect no one will want will want to buy water tomorrow.
So the countdown is on!
Woody M. Collins
Congo Helping Hands
"Safe Water for the Other Half"
8170 Hague Road
Indianapolis, IN 46256-1649
+1 317 698 7643 (USA) (WhatsApp)
+243 812813597 (DR Congo)
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